Black Cops Against Police Brutality
Who are the Black Cops Against Police Brutality?
We are the advocates and the buffers for the people in our community who aren’t given equal treatment by law enforcement officers. Our commitment is to ensure that people of color are afforded the rights under the constitution as those in the “privileged class.”
- Racial Disparities Project, Seattle Washington, Attorney Kay-C Lee, 2002-2003
- Concerned Citizens for Justice, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999-present
- Cops and Citizens, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2000-present
- Durwin Panell, New York Transit Officer who was shot by co-workers;
- Sgt. Don Jackson, a Los Angeles police officer who video taped the police pushing his head through a plate glass window;
- East Orange, New Jersey police officer who was arrested by two white Elizabeth police officers( who claim that they saw his gun under his shirt) for obstructing the administration of the law, as he walked down the street with a friend;
- prisoners being assaulted while handcuffed;
- handcuffs locked too tightly or reduced bails/release on their own recognizance for white offenders, while minorities receive bails that could pay a king’s ransom,
- 3 White males in Glenridge, N.J. found guilty of raping a mentally retarded female were released on bails under $3,000.00., 1993)
Human rights should be afforded to all human beings.
Civil rights are suppose to be guaranteed under the constitution. However, we at B-CAP are aware of the nuances of law, and these rights are all too often granted to people with different skin color than ours.
- Essex County Prosecutor’s Office Annual Teen Leadership Conference, Provided technical assistance to several teen panels in preparation for their presentation to New Jersey’s education, parental and law enforcement communities. Additionally, this organization continues to provide speakers for similar programs.
- Community Policing Training in The Republic of South Africa, Provided technical assistance to the National Black Police Association and the South African Police Services in South Africa, Novenber 2nd-16th, 1996. Training included meeting with community groups, police services units, government organizations as well as visiting informal settlement to observe street justice practices which are community organized.
- Training included meeting with members of Parliament, as well as liasons to President Nelson Mandela.
- We have established exchange links between B-CAP and South Africa’s community-based organizations to continue the training process and to improve community-police relations in both countries.
- Paterson Rebellions (Riots), Feb. 27th -Mar. 30th Provided “peacekeeping” services to the city of Paterson after a Caucasian rookie police officer shot and killed an unarmed 16 year old African-American youth during an alleged drug arrest. This organization interfaced with the city’s government, clergy, grassroots organizations and the youth, which created an environment where all parties could meet and dialogue.
- We were instrumental in securing six of the eight demands that the residents wanted from the police department during the rebellion. We continue to provide training to the Patterson community for parents, youth and educators.

- Provided resource/research materials for Columbia University’s Study of Patterson for a 3 stage pilot program which is an alternative to incarceration.
- Provided technical support to several police departments and community organizations relative to improving relations between the police and the community, i.e. American Friends Service Committee, Newark’s Board of Education (Staff Development), Paterson’s Board of Education; The NAACP’s Youth Councils ( Rahway, Bergen County, Paterson, Elizabeth and Rowan College branches).
- Specifically, assisted the NAACP in Glassboro to settle community unrest after the police shot and killed 14 year old El Termaine Sanders (1992).
- Newark Do Something Leadership Training Program, sponsored 3 youth to attend training for 15 weeks in personal developmental areas such as public speaking, business management, cultural awareness, community volunteers.
- The Hip Hop Cop, developed an anti-drug program through rap music/workshops. Officer Gary Griffin, East Orange police department, provides young people with a positive and warm relationship with the police through a medium that they are most familiar with “rap.” During his sessions/rap hard issues are explored like drug abuse, teen pregnancy, community safety and individual responsibility. •Appeared on Court TV to address issues that New Jersey’s youth need to be aware of such as probable cause, custody/arrest, “What to DO When Stopped By The Police?”
- Established a coalition relationship with several community organizers which enabled B-CAP members to provide workshops for the states youth, organizers included: Dr. Lenora Fulani, Rev. Al Sharpton, and The Grand Council of Guardians, (police officers).
- Provided workshops for the inmates which addressed the issues of police brutality, self-help and community involvement in combating crime. Primary institution-Riker’s Island, Volunteer Services Director Anthony Mc Cleod.
“I thank God for his courage, wisdom and caring soul. ‘Black Cops Against Police Brutality – Crisis Action Plan,’ is the ‘how-to’ book of setting up a plan against police brutality in your community.”
– Dick Gregory,
Human Rights Activist, Social Critic, Comedian